সোমবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Ruling a country? I just want to pass Biology!

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Thinking about starting a roleplay, but don't have the idea completely finished? Post it here, not in the main OOC forum!
Did the subject title catch your interest or are you simply curious? Either way, I'm very glad that you've stopped by this thread. I've been tossing around this idea for a while now but I don't want to put effort into something no one is interested in, catch my drift? This idea was inspired by both the Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot (as well as the Disney movies based on it) and Axis Powers: Hetalia. I'm actually not even sure if it's been done here; however, I think it might be fun to try. I've actually been typing up a plot but I don't want to finalize anything until I'm positive others will be interested. The basic plot is this: a roleplay game set in a modern AU Earth where monarchies still govern. I won't divulge too much into why it continues to be this way but the monarchies will hold a great amount of power and influence over their countries. The roleplay is meant to focus on the children of current rulers. After all, everyone needs an heir to the throne yes? The playable characters will be the sons and daughters of those currently on the thrones. How will they meet when they are all living around the world? Simple. They will attend a school together! Located in a neutral territory that is not ruled by a monarchy but a democracy (the United States), the royals will be forced to interact with one another (most likely using English to prevent language barriers) and bonds will be made. Of course relationships will be tested, enemies formed, and alliances created. Perhaps from grade school to University? That is, unless, a royal decides to continue their education in their respective country. It might seem like a dull and drab school roleplay but I've actually jotted down some good ways to keep it alive and active. Some of those being: school events such as Student Council elections, festivals, a possible raid on the school by a group against the monarchies and all they stand for, assasination attempts, wars between countries where others are forced to choose sides, and daily tasks sent via PM that a character must accomplish. (I will be sending tasks at random and your character should follow through with it for develop. The tasks can range to something silly to something that will cause mass drama to ensue.) I'm aiming to make this roleplay last for a long time so I'd need some active and dedicated roleplayers. I won't ask for essays when posting (a paragraph or two is just fine with me) but I do want literate players.

Erm, I feel like I rambled. Haha. Any way, if you're interested then let me know through this thread? Also, I might make the school the royals attend a school that allows commoners and servants enter as well. The commoners either rich enough to attend or smart enough to warn a scholarship and the servants coming alongside their respective royal. I will also use dorm rooms...maybe inspired by Harry Potter where students are placed in a specific dorm based on their personality (determined by a test in the beginning of the school year).

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