শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Romney hits the 50 percent mark in new national poll

Mitt Romney has seized further advantage on economic issues at the core of the 2012 campaign, taking him to 50 percent support among likely voters vs. 47 percent for Barack Obama - Romney's highest vote-preference result of the contest to date.

The difference between the two candidates is within the margin of sampling error in the latest ABC News/Washington Post daily tracking poll, and their individual support levels have not significantly changed. But the momentum on underlying issues and attributes is Romney's.

See PDF with full results and charts here.

Romney's gains are clear especially in results on the economy. This poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, finds that likely voters now pick Romney over Obama in trust to handle the economy by 52-43 percent - the first time either candidate has held a clear lead over the other on this central issue.

Equally important, Romney has erased Obama's customary advantage on which candidate better understands the economic problems of average Americans. Today, 48 percent pick Obama, 46 percent Romney - essentially a dead heat. Yesterday and today mark the first time in the campaign that Obama hasn't had at least a marginally significant lead on economic empathy.

Within-group trends on both these economic measures were covered in yesterday's analysis; they reflect movement in Romney's direction almost exclusively among white men, and particularly among less-educated white men.

SIGNALS - There are other signals of Romney's gains. Expectations are one: Fifty-two percent of likely voters now expect Obama to win the election, down from a peak of 61 percent in late September. Forty percent expect Romney to win - still well fewer than half, but up by 8 percentage points.

Notably, political independents divide by 42-46 percent on whether they expect Obama or Romney to win; that's shifted dramatically from 61-31 percent in Obama's favor. Whites, likewise, have moved from a 55-38 percent expectation in Obama's favor Sept. 29 to 44-48 percent now.

Romney is more competitive in another area, as well - international affairs. Even though likely voters by 2-1 picked Obama as the winner of Monday's debate on foreign policy, comfort with Romney on the issue nonetheless has progressed. He now runs essentially evenly with Obama in trust to handle international affairs, 48-47 percent, Obama-Romney, the first time they've been so close. It was +7 for Obama in mid-October, by contrast, and +8 in early September.

Obama retains a larger numerical (but not significant) edge on another issue, trust to better advance the interests of the middle class, 50-45 percent. It was similar, 51-43 percent, when last asked in an ABC/Post poll completed Sept. 9.

In other results, Obama has a 49 percent job approval rating among likely voters - it's been 49 or 50 percent steadily since mid-October - but more "strongly" disapprove than strongly approve, 41 percent vs. 30 percent - an intensity gap that may work against him.

HORSE RACE - Romney never before has exceeded 49 percent support in ABC/Post polls, making his 50 percent a new high numerically. That includes new highs among a range of groups - including 60 percent support among whites, 56 percent among white women, 58 percent among middle- to upper-middle income adults and 83 percent among conservatives.

Most strikingly, Romney's advanced to 57 percent support among independents. They're a changeable group, less rooted in partisan predispositions, so their eventual preferences - and their turnout - are uncertain. But they're key to Romney's current fortunes; he's improved among independents by 9 points in the past week.

The debates are one apparent reason. By a broad 47-10 percent, independents say the debates left them with a better rather than a worse impression of Romney. In the same group, by contrast, just 17 percent say their impression of Obama improved - and 26 percent say it got worse.

Polarization, meantime, is extreme; Obama is at a new high in support among nonwhites, 80 percent, and continues to pull in broad support from younger adults - six in 10 of those younger than 40. All the same, at 61 percent, his support among unmarried women, a core Democratic group, has reached a new low, chiefly because he's slipped among unmarried white women.

Still, the gender gap overall remains wide: women for Obama by 54-43 percent; men for Romney by 57-40 percent.

As noted, the overall 3-point gap between Romney and Obama in this poll is not statistically significant. Given the sample size, it would take a difference of greater than 6 points for the result to be significant at the customary 95 percent confidence level, or more than 5 points at a less-stringent 90 percent confidence level (referred to as a "slight" or marginal difference).

While the race, then, remains close, Romney's momentum has come in time for most voters: Thirty-seven percent of likely voters say they've voted early or plan to, but that includes far fewer, 8 percent, who already have done so. It's a number that's growing daily, putting each campaign's get-out-the-vote efforts to the critical test.

METHODOLOGY - This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Oct. 21-24, 2012, among a random national sample of 1,386 likely voters, including landline and cell-phone-only respondents. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3 points, including design effect. (Questions 12f, 12h and 21 were asked Oct. 23-24 among 707 likely voters; those results have a 4.5-point error margin.) The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York, N.Y.

Partisan divisions in this survey, Democrats-Republicans-independents, are 34-30-31 percent among likely voters. Partisan divisions in the 2008 exit poll were 39-32-29 percent.

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-hits-50-percent-mark-clear-edge-economy-210032956--abc-news-politics.html

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

PFT: Garcon sees specialist, no timetable for return


The online vault at SI.com contains all sorts of treasures that no one has the time to search for.? Fortunately, one of our readers had both the time and inclination to find an article that I vividly recall reading at at time when I was younger than my kid is now.

In 1979, Sports Illustrated pondered the future of pro football.? Here are some of the quotes, each of which were followed by comments from Frank Deford that best can be described as pre-Internet snark.

?In the year 2000, there won?t be any contact below the waist.? ?Bum Phillips, Head Coach, Houston Oilers.? (Said DeFord in response, ?Yeah, O.K.?)

A dozen years after 2000, Bum?s vision has yet to come to fruition.? But it?s moving in that direction.? And it could take another big step there in the offseason, after the 2011 hit by Bills receiver Stevie Johnson on Chiefs safety Eric Berry and the hit from earlier this month by Jets guard Matt Slauson on Texans linebacker Brian Cushing.

?Players will look a lot different: lighter equipment, more formfitting shoulder pads, a different type of helmet, soft rib pads.? ?Dan Rooney, President, Pittsburgh Steelers.

Of course, we won?t notice any of those differences this weekend when the Steelers play; we?ll be too distracted by the prison bumblebee throwback uniforms.

?There?ll be a little metal fleck in the football, so you can tell for sure whether the guy with the ball got over the goal line or was pushed back.? ?Tex Schramm, General Manager, Dallas Cowboys.

Schramm was a sage.? And that?s one change the NFL needs to embrace.

?Everything will become more specialized. On defense, you?ll get pass rushers and run defenders, first-down and third-down defensive ends. You?ll see relief quarterbacks.? ?Tom Flores, Head Coach, Oakland Raiders.

Relief quarterbacks have yet to take root, but for the 2007 season, when the Cardinals would bring out Kurt Warner whenever they fell behind. And then they?d putt Matt Leinart back in when Warner pulled things even.

?It?s a very tough, very hard game, and I think more and more it?s going to be played by the so-called underprivileged. It?s too tough, too physical a game for a society that?s become so affluent. Kids can get the same great cardiovascular exercise from soccer.? ?Marv Levy.

That?s the argument that has been raised in the wake of the new sensitivity to concussions.? Football could become a way out for the have-nots, and the best of the best eventually will entertain the haves and the have-mores.

The article, after the parade of quotes, focuses on Byron Donzis, a then-47-year-old inventor who had developed a flak jacket and who had all sorts of other ideas (some crazy, some sane) about the future of pro football, from an equipment standpoint. But Deford eventually focuses on broader assessments of the game.

?The feeling is that rosters will grow, but the schedule will not (you believe that?), and that the NFL won?t expand abroad because the foreigners wouldn?t be sufficiently interested in an American game played by Americans,? Deford wrote. ?No, even in 2000 the referees won?t use TV replays to assist them in making their calls.?

It?s an intriguing article. And it makes us wonder how different the NFL will be in another 33 years. Feel free to drop some ideas below.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/25/pierre-garcon-sees-specialist-no-timetable-for-return/related

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Irish Press Releases ? 5 Ways To Keep Your Online Prices ...

Co. Dublin, Ireland ? 24 Oct. 2012 ? How you manage your online product prices will determine the success or failure of your Internet retailing business. Finding out what is the 'right price' for your product will keep your prices competitive and avoid online shoppers going elsewhere.

How you manage your online product prices will determine the success or failure of your web-based retailing campaign this Christmas. Finding out what is the ?right price? for your product will keep your prices competitive and avoid online shoppers going elsewhere.

Despite all the turmoil in the market right now with every business chasing more euros from the customer, many online sellers are struggling to manage pricing for their product lines in an efficient manner.

Here are five scenarios where you need to pay close attention to avoid losing out on Internet sales and to increase your profit margins:

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You need to highlight where your prices are higher than your competitors.You want to ensure that you don?t have too high prices or incorrect pricing on your products, which will drive shoppers and search engine traffic elsewhere to find lower prices. By monitoring your competition pricing closely, you will have the competitive pricing advantage and you will be able to lower your prices instantly when your competitors lower their pricing; this will help you to increase your sales straight away.

2. If your prices are too low compared to your competitors, you are lowering your profit margins.

You also need to flag where your prices are lower than your competitors. In some cases, you might actually be charging a lot less for a product than the competition - this needs to be rectified as a matter of urgency. Your competitors might even be out of stock on this product. When you see such cases, you really need to raise your price while still offering a competitive price to your customer; this will help you to grow your profit margins immediately.

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Having an efficient competitor pricing strategy offers you information about the stock availability of your competitors? products; this will enable you to check the competition daily as often as you want and find out where you have the upper hand in the market for that particular time. When alerted to the competitors being out of stock on a product, you can increase your price to grow your profit margins.

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Having a high-quality competitively priced niche product will tempt a new target market to spend at your online business. You might already have some products in your categories that would appeal to such audiences so you can market these products better with lower prices. By checking what the competitor prices with your competitor analysis application, you will be able to offer a better price for such products to consumers.

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If you have a quality product and you know what your online competitors are doing with regards to pricing of a similar product, you can sell fewer items to your customers while offering a high-quality service to keep them coming back for more. The alternative is offering a lower price but being unable to provide the same high-quality service - leading to unhappy customers. Think about your company image and the potential for future sales when deciding if this strategy is right for you.

Based in Mediacube, IADT in Dublin, Profitero is a next-generation pricing intelligence service for retailers and manufacturers. We help our global clients increase sales and maximise profits by leveraging high-quality online competitive data at scale.

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Source: http://www.irishpressreleases.ie/2012/10/24/5-ways-to-keep-your-online-prices-competitive-profitero/

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Obama vows to protect women's health care rights

President Obama holds up his jobs plans booklet while speaking at a campaign stop, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

President Obama holds up his jobs plans booklet while speaking at a campaign stop, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

President Barack Obama greets local patron during an unannounced visit to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts shop, Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. Obama, who traveled to Florida for a campaign event nearby, surprised local patrons when he drove up in the morning. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama says voters saw again this week why male politicians shouldn't be making health care decisions for women.

Obama's comments were a reference to remarks by Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock. The Republican said pregnancies that result from rape are "something God intended."

The president didn't mention Mourdock by name. He said, as long as he is president, women will be able to make their own health care decisions.

It's the first time Obama has referenced Mourdock's comments at a campaign rally.

Obama's team is intensifying its criticism of Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney for refusing to withdraw support for Mourdock. Romney appears in a television advertisement on Mourdock's behalf.

Obama's Thursday morning rally in Tampa, Fla., kicked off the second day of his 40-hour battleground state blitz.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-10-25-Obama/id-1e2054809b75430a8f77f8e5979e5d2d

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Apple unveils iPad Mini, iPad,?iMac and more

12 hrs.

We have found our way to San Jose, to see what Apple meant when it said, "We've got a little more to show you."?Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage and presided over an event that launched?a super slim?new iMac, a 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display, a Mac Mini ... and?two new iPads.

The fourth-generation iPad is an update to this spring's third-generation?iPad with a?Retina display, featuring a faster chip, the A6X ???delivering faster performance. "I can't see the competition in the?rear view mirror," says senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller, who came on stage to show off all the new hardware.

There's improved Wi-Fi and, of course, a Lightning connector. The fourth-generation iPad (don't call it an iPad 4!) will cost the same amount as the current one. (No word on whether or not the third-generation iPad will be offered at discount, mind you.) This the first time, at least in recent memory, that Apple updated a core product twice in the same year.

But the bigger deal during this event was the smaller iPad, the iPad Mini. It's 0.68 lbs, and as thin as a pencil (7.2 millimeters).

Apple seems to want to explain the iPad Mini's 7.9-inch screen, in part because it's not a "Retina" display.?It's a?1024 x 768 pixel resolution display, the same resolution as the iPad 2, so all apps look good and work. How does that compare to the 7-inch?Android tablets, particularly Google's Nexus 7, though? With a diagonal screen of 7.9 inches, that translates to a huge total surface area advantage:?21.9 square inches for the competitor, versus 29.6 square inches on the iPad Mini.

The iPad Mini has an Apple A5 chip,?FaceTime HD front-facing camera, a?5MP iSight camera on the?back, LTE cellular?wireless capabilities (in some models), speedy 802.11?A/B/G/N Wi-Fi, and, of course, a Lightning connector.

It's got 10 hours of battery life, just like fourth-generation iPad.

The iPad Mini will start shipping Nov. 2 (for the Wi-Fi only version), and will cost $329 and up. The LTE-enabled model will ship two weeks later.?(See the above pic for all the prices.) You can pre-order the iPad Mini starting on?Friday, along with the fourth-generation iPad.

As far as the rest of Apple's announcements on Tuesday go, the first news of the event was a new version of iBooks, with continuous reading, language support for Japanese and Chinese,?and pages?synchronized across iCloud, so that?? as with?Amazon's?Whispersync???your place is saved no matter what device you're on. You can download the new iBooks today.

After iBooks, Schiller started his stage revue?by revealing a 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display: It's got 4 million pixels, four times the pixels of its predecessor.?To put that into perspective, consider that the average HDTV has a 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution. This means that the new MacBook Pro has almost double the pixels of an HDTV.

The 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display is .75 inches thick?and weighs?3.5 lbs.???much more slender than the older model. There's no optical disc drive, of course.

The base configuration, which you can order today, costs $1699, and comes with a Core i5 dual-core processor, 256GB of memory and 8GB of RAM.?You can custom order it?with?a storage array of up to 768GB of flash memory, and an Intel?Ivy?Bridge Core i7 processor.

Schiller also introduced a new?Mac Mini with a neat removable bottom. A base configuration with a 2.5GHz dual-core i5 processor starts at $599, and a server model is available for $999.

The star of the Mac show was the next-generation iMac, however. It's incredibly thin.

Apple got it so much thinner by laminating the display to the glass. It comes in two sizes: A 27-inch model with a?2560?x?1440 screen and a?21.5-inch version with a?1920 x 1080 screen. Schiller says there's 75 percent less reflection than on?the previous generation, and from what I can tell after using a MacBook Pro with Retina display, that sounds about right.

This new iMac is 8 pounds lighter than its predecessor. Still, it's got all the jacks and speakers and cameras you'd expect.

The key under-the-hood feature is the "Fusion Drive,"?a hybrid drive that has 128GB of Flash memory, integrated with a 1 or 3TB magnetic?drive. The hybrid drive is coded into OS?X, so that your file management is speedy, delivering "nearly the performance of flash," says Schiller.

The base configuration of the new iMac is $1299, and you get a?2.7GHz processor, 8GB of RAM and regular?1TB drive. There's no optical drive on any configurations, just an add-on accessory.?

As usual,?Cook started off the Apple event?by recapping sales of all Apple products.?There was a video of the iPhone 5 sales launch, naming it the fastest-selling phone in history. Next was a recap of iPod sales ? over 3 million of the new ones sold already.?

On to software, where Cook mentioned that iMessages have been sent 300 million times, at a rate of 28,000 per second. 35 billion apps have been downloaded from Apple App Store, and there are 275,000 titles in there that are just for iPad. Developers have made $6.5 billion from selling wares in the App Store.?

You can check out Apple's video recap of Tuesday's event, but pay attention to the system requirements.

Wilson Rothman is the Technology & Science?editor at NBC News Digital. Catch up with him on Twitter at @wjrothman, and join our conversation on Facebook.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/gadgetbox/live-apple-unveil-new-mini-ipad-more-1C6630274

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Weekly Security Update | Iraq Business News

Weekly Security Update

By Gary Sandiford, Olive Group?s Dubai based assessments manager.? Olive Group is a leading provider of security and technology solutions and has operated continuously in Iraq since 2003.



Olive Groups Iraq statistics are drawn from multiple sources, including media reporting and direct liaison with in country assets. Included within the statistics are a minority sub-set of serious incidents which may not be purely attributable to insurgent/terrorist groups, such as murder, kidnappings and organised crime activities.

The total number of reported incidents in Iraq for the period 15 ? 21 October 2012 was 144.? This is some way above the 2012 weekly average of 117 and marks a considerable increase in violence following a two week period of relative calm.? The major increases in reporting occurred in Baghdad and the North Central Region, with insurgent violence appearing to be a primary factor.? Given the trend of elevated violence sustained since the end of July, with only brief periods of respite, it now appears more likely that the levels of violence associated with the summer campaign have become the norm, at least in the medium term.?Mosul again featured prominently in national reporting, with both communal and insurgent violence being amongst the most intense across the country. The Tigris and Diyala River Valleys north of Baghdad both saw an appreciable increase in the use of explosive devices ? with a possible campaign to target communications infrastructure occurring across Salah al-Din Province ? while Kirkuk Province and Tuz District, just to its south, both saw surges in the targeting of Iraq Security Forces (ISF), including the use of large car-bombs (VBIEDs).? Overall reporting from Baghdad also increased and in addition to this there were numerous large mass-casualty attacks ? which the capital had been free of during the previous two weeks.? By contrast the southern half of Iraq? meaning here those areas below northern Babil ? remained very quiet with only low level incidents occurring, all of which appear to reflect isolated communal, criminal or political disputes.? This reflects long terms patterns in the Shia majority provinces of southern Iraq.

Source: http://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2012/10/24/weekly-security-update-20/

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Microsoft makes the right moves to tighten privacy policy

With so many concerns about the use of customer data, be it through what is collected by a carrier and sold, or aggregated through use of services the way Google does across its uniform policy, it is quite refreshing to see Microsoft respond to these concerns with some fairly notable action.

Congressman Edward Markey (D-Mass), co-chair of the Congressional Bipartisan Privacy Caucus sent a letter to Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer expressing concerns about Microsoft?s recently implemented privacy policy. By recent, we mean going into effect this past Friday. Rep. Markey cited concerns in the Microsoft Services Agreement verbiage that gave the appearance that Microsoft would leverage user data gathered within services such as email, instant messaging and search to deliver targeted advertising despite previous statements by Microsoft that the company would not adopt such a practice.

These concerns were raised by the Congressman after an article was published in the New York Times on October 19th which cited the new policy going into effect with Microsoft, and contrasted the harsh reaction many had to Google?s similar privacy policy.

Obviously looking to avoid any backlash with two major media events planned in the coming days, Microsoft released a statement to ensure that its intentions were clear. It also responded to Rep. Markey?s admonition to consider an opt-in standard regarding the collection of data.

To that end, Microsoft also took the step to make the ?do not track? option in Internet Explorer the default setting in the browser, even though it was not part of the Services Agreement. Score one for Microsoft.

sources: New York Times, Microsoft Services Agreement via wpcentral

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/phonearena/ySoL/~3/0aG8ApB7EPw/Microsoft-makes-the-right-moves-to-tighten-privacy-policy_id35851

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

The Generation X report: How many Gen Xers know their cosmic address?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? Less than half of Generation X adults can identify our home in the universe, a spiral galaxy, according to a University of Michigan report.

"Knowing your cosmic address is not a necessary job skill, but it is an important part of human knowledge about our universe and -- to some extent -- about ourselves," said Jon D. Miller, author of "The Generation X Report" and director of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth at the U-M Institute for Social Research.

The study, funded by the National Science Foundation since 1986, now includes responses from approximately 4,000 adults ages 37-40 -- the core of Generation X.

The latest report examines the scientific literacy of Gen Xers about their location in the universe. Miller provided Generation X participants in the study with high-quality image of a spiral galaxy taken by the Hubble space telescope, and asked them to identify the image, first in an open-ended response and then by selecting from multiple choices.

Forty-three percent of the Gen Xers surveyed were able to provide a correct answer that indicated that they recognized the object as a galaxy similar to our own. Miller found that 53 percent of males correctly identified the image, compared with just 32 percent of females, and that the proportion who identified the image correctly rose steadily with education, from 21 percent who had less than a high school education to 63 percent of those with doctorates or professional degrees.

"One of the factors that contributes to this educational difference is exposure to college-level science courses," Miller said. "The United States is unique in its requirement that all college students complete one year of college science courses as part of a general education requirement.

"And because these courses are often taken during the first or second year of college, students who enter college but do not earn a degree are still exposed to college science and other general education courses."

Miller also found that more than 60 percent of those surveyed said that this was the first time they had looked carefully at an image from a space telescope, even though four out of five reported that they had seen this kind of image before, often on the Internet.

"One of the important results of the growth of the Internet and the expansion of communication devices is that it is easier today to find high-quality science information than at any previous time in human history," Miller said. "But some of the science information on the Internet is incorrect or misleading, so we asked our survey participants to indicate what sources they would trust for information about the universe."

The most trusted sources were information on a website operated by NASA, a program or exhibit in a planetarium or museum, a Public Broadcasting System Nova or Discovery Channel science show, and a lecture by an astronomy professor. The least trusted source of information was a lecture by a leader of a church or religious group.

Miller also examined the link between knowledge about the universe, as indicated by correctly identifying the Hubble image as a spiral galaxy much like our own, and a variety of personal and policy attitudes. Gen Xers who recognized the image were more likely than those who did not to agree that "When I see images like this, I am reminded of the vastness of the universe" (70 percent vs. 53 percent) and "Images like this show how small and fragile planet Earth is in the context of the universe" (58 percent vs. 44 percent).

They were also more likely to agree that "Seeing images like this make me want to learn more about the nature of the universe" (27 percent vs. 19 percent) and "It is very likely that there is intelligent life at many places in the universe" (39 percent vs. 26 percent).

But they were less likely to agree that "The size and complexity of the universe proves the greatness of God's creation" (45 percent vs. 51 percent).

"Unlike our distant ancestors who thought the Earth was the center of the universe, we know that we live on a small planet in a heliosphere surrounding a moderate-sized star that is part of a spiral galaxy," Miller said. "There may be important advantages in the short-term -- the next million years or so -- to knowing where we are and something about our cosmic neighborhood."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Michigan.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jon D. Miller. How many young adults know their cosmic address? The Generation X Report, 2012; 2 (1) DOI: 10.7826/ISR-UM.0203.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/strange_science/~3/1k05e53bnyA/121023091022.htm

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Federal program to offer face-to-face foreclosure help in Nashville ? The Republic


ThinkProgress Federal program to offer face-to-face foreclosure help in Nashville NASHVILLE, Tenn. ? The federal Making Home Affordable Program will be offering free help for homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. The event offers homeowners the chance to meet face-to-face with their mortgage company and a counseling agency ? Help for Homeowners Event Coming to Nashville AreaLoanRateUpdate (press release) all 29 news articles??

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Source: http://realestatemarketingblog.com/free-nashville-tennessee-foreclosure-help-for-nashville-tn-homeowners/

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Nokia launches budget Lumia 510: Windows Phone 7.5, 4-inch display and 5-megapixel camera (video)

Nokia launches budget Lumia 510 Windows Phone 75, 4inch display and 5megapixel camera

Confirming all those rumors we've been hearing, Nokia has officially taken the wraps off its latest budget smartphone, the Lumia 510 -- slotting it somewhere between the Asha range and the Lumia 610. With the notable exception of the 4-inch (480 x 800) screen, which is a tad larger than its slightly more accomplished Windows Phone sibling, the other specs are very much in line with its low-cost stance: there's a single 5-megapixel shooter at the back (no front-facer), a lowly 800MHz Qualcomm processor, 256MB RAM and 4GB of non-expandable storage. We'll be bringing you further details as the story unfolds. In terms of the OS, it'll ship with WP Mango but we're told it will be upgraded to Windows Phone 7.8 at some point in the future.

Continue reading Nokia launches budget Lumia 510: Windows Phone 7.5, 4-inch display and 5-megapixel camera (video)

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/SgnE_be6EFI/

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সোমবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

TAESE organizes popular Tri-State Law Conference

Two days filled with discussions of case law may seem dull to some people, but the participants of the Tri-State Regional Special Education Law Conference are eager to soak up every word. The conference is organized by the CPD?s Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education (TAESE).

?The stakes are high,? said Martin E. Blair, TAESE associate director. ?If legal information is wrong, lawsuits can result, but more importantly, it affects services that children receive. If (administrators) get it wrong, kids may not get what they?re entitled to get to be successful in school. We want to address that.?

The conference is designed for general and special education administrators and teachers, service providers, parents, advocates, lawyers and others involved in developing and supporting special education services for children with disabilities and their families.

?One of the things we do is organize professional development conferences and events,? Blair said. ?We work with the state office of education or any other group to put together their conferences, get the speakers, advertise the event, and do on-site management.?

TAESE has been organizing law institutes for more than a dozen years in Utah and other states, Blair said. Nebraska was doing its own conference, but organizers decided about eight years ago they wanted to attract national-level speakers. Soon Iowa and Kansas expressed interest, and the Tri-State Law Conference was begun.

Blair said the law conferences continue to grow, even though the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has not been reauthorized by Congress since 2004.

?The law hasn?t changed, but interpretations by school districts and the courts continue to change the way we interpret special education,? he said. ?Special educators and administrators are hungry for the newest information. They want to provide the best and most legally appropriate services to children and their families.?

This year, participation in the conference was capped at 600 and registration closed a month early. There are dozens of names on the waiting list. About a third of the participants are from Nebraska, about a third from Kansas and the rest from other states.

?People love it,? Blair said. ?There are national level speakers. Attorneys come back year after year to present on case law, mediation and special education legal issues.?

For more than 30 years, TAESE has been the technical assistance division of the CPD at Utah State University. TAESE provides technical assistance in special education and to build the capacity of State Departments of Education, school districts, and charter schools to better serve infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities.

Source: http://www.cpdusu.org/blog/2012/10/taese-organizes-popular-tri-state-law-conference/

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The Sunday Papers | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

By Jim Rossignol on October 21st, 2012 at 9:36 am.

Sundays! Oh Sundays. What are you for? Only the wise may dare to guess. And the rest of us, well, we must search in the internet for clues.

  • Wired?s feature on the relationship between Peter Molyneux and Adam ?Peter Molydeux? Capone is a must-read: ?For the time being, Molyneux?s team is still building out some features. A few hours after we have lunch with his family, the game designer and I are at 22Cans, a 600-square-foot unit in a 70-acre office complex near a cramped roundabout. In case anyone forgets his mission, Molyneux has posted printouts every 5 feet around the perimeter of the office that read, ?100,000,000 DAUs in 32 months.? CTO Tim Rance gathers the entire staff around his computer for a demonstration. While the idea behind Curiosity is simple, the technological infrastructure is tricky?22Cans needs to find a way to let potentially millions of people see the same dynamic object at the exact same time. When one player smashes a cubelet, it needs to disappear on the screen of every other player around the world at just that moment.?
  • Speaking of Bullfrog and Lionhead, this Eurogamer feature on the lost and cancelled games from the two companies is fascinating: ?Conceived in 1991 as a kind of evolutionary puzzler, by 1994, Creation was being touted as a 3D base defence game in which you kept your seabed HQ safe from attackers by, y?know, breeding fish to act as soldiers. The team spent months ensuring that the subsurface landscapes twinkled and shimmered in the correct watery manner, and even now, all it takes is a screenshot depicting a trio of bolshy-looking turtles to summon a little twinge of wistful pain. How weird this seems. How exotic. Could the fish-wrangler genre ever have fitted in alongside the RPG or the squad-based shooter? Why don?t we live in that universe??
  • Yang?s design bloggings often make me smile. For instance: ?Figuring out how to talk about your game is part of designing your game ? so trying to explain Convo to various people has been extremely helpful in refining my design goals. My favorite version so far has been, ?it?s an attempt to make The Sims accessible for hardcore gamers.?"
  • Oh and then back to Eurogamer again for Rab?s ludicrous Dishonored column: ?This bedroom?s window is directly above the little porch that juts out above the front door. I?d been out on it many times in my youth, but hadn?t set foot on it in years. Still, what would Corvo do? I opened the window, clambered out onto the porch, and dropped onto the path below. I felt MAGNIFICENT.?
  • What happens when someone who had never played video games is chosen as a judge for some gaming awards? ?After this it was a blessed relief to turn to Proteus, a low-budget indie game where nothing happens at all. You simply explore a pretty, pixelated island to the sound of music described in one review as retro-ambient electronica. There is no purpose, no destination, no levels. For 10 minutes I was enraptured. But then I got bored. Proteus is the video game equivalent of James Joyce?s Ulysses, only less eventful. At least Bloom occasionally picks his nose.?
  • And a New Statesman sort-of-defence-but-not-quite of the same: ?We need more criticism that is intelligent, personally reflective and nuanced; treating games more like experiences and less like gadgets. We need to critically examine the role of games in culture, because we can only demand more from our media when we understand where they fall short. Sure, video games are fun, but they?re serious fun.?
  • Wagner James Au on ?How Dishonored Honors Thief?: ?Thief is a huge influence over our team,? the two acknowledged over e-mail. ?All these years on, we love that fascinating sketch of a world, with all its murky history and esoteric factions. The way the game is only partially scripted and instead relies on simulation means that the moment to moment experience creates a unique narrative driven by the player?s actions. Thief stands as one of the greatest games ever made.?
  • How Game Tutorials Can Strangle Player Creativity: ?What the researchers found was that relative to those in other conditions, children who were given instructions on how to make the toy squeak played with it for shorter amounts of time, did fewer unique actions with it, and discovered fewer of the toy?s other functions.?
  • Are racing sims on the right path? ?Offering up a product that adds no depth, no innovative features, and nothing to separate it from the racing sims of five to seven years ago should not be satisfactory to this community. Dumbing down of simulation or just finding new ways to make people pay more money over a longer term is not an answer to increase the audience for simulators. A free-to-play sim will be played by people, for free, once. They won?t like it any more whether it is free or not. Compromising the serious simulation hobbyist, for the casual gamer is a tricky road to take, but just making a sim more accessible and less complex does not mean the casual gamer will jump at it.?
  • A meta-narrative reading of Kingdoms Of Amalur: ?I kill the Maid. I want no part in this any more; I give them back their old stories, it seems to be what the majority of them wanted. They return to their boring, fated lives, and I feel sickened. I?m told I am now the Queen of their little story community, since I so totally emasculated the King. Am I not already important and isolated enough? I walk away, back over the pretty fairy bridge and away from this disappointment, back out into the open world that seems, to me, suddenly very closed.?
  • Duncan?s brilliant Left4Dead screens.
  • Sleeping Astronaut Causes Earthquake On The Moon.
  • Clay Shirky: ?The Internet allows us to see what other people ? think. This has turned out to be a huge disappointment.?
  • Music this week?s music is Pye Corner Audio?s Sleep Games, which you can preview and buy here. Pye Corner Audio is fast becoming my favourite

Source: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/10/21/the-sunday-papers-239/

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Obama holds lead over Romney among women voters

According to the latest poll numbers, the gender gap is on track to hit historic highs in the upcoming presidential election. The split isn't terribly surprising. President Obama, as expected, is holding his own among women voters, and Romney is the favorite among men. But the split is big, perhaps bigger than ever. "If only women voted,?President Obama?would be on track for a landslide re-election, equaling or exceeding his margin of victory over Senator John McCain in 2008," New York Times polling wizard Nate Silver explains. "If only men voted, Mr. Obama would be biding his time until a crushing defeat at the hands of?Mitt Romney, who might win by a margin similar to the one Ronald Reagan realized over Jimmy Carter in 1980."

RELATED: Mitt Romney's Secret Weapon: Mormonism

It gets more interesting when you did down into the numbers. One poll put the gender gap at a staggering 33 points, whereas the average of those reviewed by Silver put it at a still significant 19 points. If there race were actually gender-specific, the margin of victory for either candidate would also be big: at least nine points. This is almost in line with the split during the Bush-Gore race of 2000, which at 20 points had the biggest gender gap on record since 1972 when exit polls were first conducted. Obama won the election in 2008 beating McCain by 13 points among female voters.

RELATED: Romney Offers a State of the Union 'Prebuttal'

Both candidates are obviously hyperaware of this giant gap, especially Romney who's been fighting hard to win more women voters. Ahead of last week's debate, some said that the night could be Romney's chance to reverse course and start gaining favor among women voters again. Anyone who watched the debate knows that didn't happen, in part due to that thing Romney said about "binders full of women." However, as The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza pointed out in the aftermath of the debate, Romney is still more popular among women than both McCain was in 2008, Bush in 2000 and Bob Dole in 1992.

RELATED: This Campaign is Turning into a Battle of the Freaks

It gets a little more complicated when you try to pick the issue that's causing the divide, but Silver says all signs point to women's health. It's been a particularly active issue lately, as states enacted 92 new laws restricting abortion in 2011?and Republican-after-Republican has trampled on the issue for the entire election cycle. Obama's done nothing but some out strongly, in favor of a woman's right to choose. "There are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for not just contraceptive care," he said at the Hofstra debate last week. "They rely on it for mammograms, for cervical-cancer screenings. That's a pocketbook issue for women and families all across the country."

RELATED: The Benefits and Risks of Supporting Gay Marriage

There may be nothing for poor Mitt Romney to do. On one hand, women have always loved Obama. On the other hand, according to a focus group full of women after the last debate, women find Romney to be kind of "douchey." Nevermind what people are saying about Paul Ryan.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ladies-still-love-obama-031347498.html

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5 things that could sink Windows 8

19 hrs.

The Windows?8 launch is finally upon us, and I guarantee you there are a lot of nervous people in Redmond right now. How could they not be?

You?re about to launch a new version of your operating system that is such a radical departure from what PC users have come to expect that it should be called "Windows We Hope You?re Ready for Something Really Different." Sheer inertia is certainly a concern. After all, the Live Tiles, panoramic Modern-style interface and new tools like the Charms menu all require a learning curve. But that?s not the biggest challenge Microsoft?faces. These are.

1. Hardware is too pricey
One of the biggest reasons ultrabooks haven?t sold as well as Intel and its partners expected is that prices haven?t come down fast enough. You can finally find some in the $699 range, but that?s still about $200 more than the typical budget laptop.

Now, shoppers will be asked to pony up $1,100 to $1,200 to enjoy touch-based convertibles like the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga, Sony VAIO Duo 11 and Dell XPS 12. Intel shared with us recently that its own studies show that consumers are willing to pay $150 to $200 more for touch, but I?m not sure that will fly in a down economy and a holiday season dominated by the cheap iPad mini, Kindle Fire and Nexus 7.

Windows RT devices like Microsoft?s Surface are more affordable at $499, the same as the iPad. But opting for the Touch Cover keyboard (the accessory being touted in Microsoft?s ads) brings the price to $599.

Windows 8-powered hybrids like the $749 Acer Iconia W510 (with keyboard) and Samsung Ativ Smart PC 500T (I swear I?m not making that name up) don?t have the same sexy industrial design as the Surface, but their Atom processors make these devices more versatile because users can run traditional desktop apps. You can get the W510 without a keyboard for a reasonable $499.

[MORE: Top 10 Windows 8 Hybrids]

2. Windows 8 vs. Windows RT confusion
Shoppers will have a tough time telling the difference between the two flavors of new Windows devices on shelves this holiday season, because they both feature the same slick Live Tile interface. But there is a huge difference between the two platforms.

In a nutshell, Windows 8 PCs can run any app downloaded from the Windows Store as well as all desktop applications. Windows RT tablets and hybrids (powered by ARM processors) will be limited to Windows Store apps and Microsoft?s Office 2013, even though you?ll still be able to access the desktop for things like transferring files?off a USB drive.

Sounds like a pretty simple delineation, but as The Verge proved with some undercover testing, Microsoft?s own store employees don?t know the difference between the two operating systems. Microsoft responded to this eye-opening report by saying that all of its sales reps will receive 15 hours of training before launch. The clock is ticking.

[MORE: 8 Windows 8 Annoyances and How to Fix Them]

3. Not enough apps
At last count there were nearly 3,500 apps in the Windows Store. And while there are a handful of compelling options so far, there are a lot more holes in Microsoft?s lineup than I would expect at this late stage. Where is Facebook? Twitter? YouTube? Dropbox? Angry Birds??

The good news: Microsoft will unveil plenty of high-profile apps either at the launch of its OS or shortly thereafter, hopefully filling in a fair number of these holes. But I still have serious concerns about the breadth of options that will be available. After all, Apple has 250,000 apps just for the iPad, thanks to its huge head start.

Microsoft also needs to prove that Windows 8 is a viable gaming platform and not just rest on the Xbox name, as it has done with Windows Phone. Shoppers need to see console-quality eye candy along with casual fare. I?m encouraged by the fact that the Unreal Engine III has been ported to Windows 8, however, which should help lead to Infinity Blade-style titles in the Windows Store. Titles based on the Unity engine will come after launch.

[MORE: Top 20 Windows 8 Apps]

4. Crappy touchpads
Sure, Windows 8 works best with touch, but the sweet spot for most shoppers right now is $500 clamshell designs that rely on touchpads. Based on previous experience, I?m very worried that these pointing devices won?t deliver the smooth gesture support that will add up to a good user experience. On a lot of pre-production samples I?ve tried the touchpad didn?t always respond when I swiped in from the left to switch apps. And most of them didn?t support the gesture to move in from the left and quickly back to the right to see all of your open apps.

If notebook vendors can?t make pinch-to- zoom work well or two-finger scrolling, they?ll have an even harder time getting Windows 8 gestures to work reliably. I?m really hoping Synaptics, Microsoft and OEMs get it right, but it will probably take a while.

[MORE: Crappy Touchpads Could Kill the Ultrabook]

5. Macs on the rise
Microsoft shouldn?t just be concerned about the iPad and the rumored "iPad Mini." It should take note that Apple is now No. 1 in notebook sales in the U.S. The 13-inch MacBook Pro is consistently the top seller at retail, and all you need to do is peek inside any coffee shop to see a sea of MacBook Airs. I?ve said this before, but the Mac's?OS X?Mountain Lion could prove more attractive than Windows 8?to those looking for a more traditional operating system this holiday, especially for those who own other Apple devices and like the idea of having iCloud keeping everything in sync.

[MORE:?10 Reasons to Drop Windows for Mountain Lion]

Bottom line
Microsoft is reportedly spending $1.5 billion to launch and promote Windows 8, and the company has never been under more pressure to make sure that shoppers get the message. But what is that message? Is it that you can have your cake and eat it too with a Windows 8 PC that runs mobile and ?legacy? apps? That you can get all-day battery life, iPad-like portability and Office productivity with a Windows RT device? It?s actually all of the above, which is a big part of the challenge.

Although Microsoft?having a hero device like the Surface tablet?helps, Windows 8 will succeed or fail not based on how well the Surface fares. Just as with every other Windows launch, Microsoft will once again rely on an ecosystem of app developers and hardware?makers to make its software sing. All of the above five obstacles are not insurmountable, but they?re very real.

LAPTOP?editor-in-chief Mark Spoonauer directs?online and print editorial content and has been covering mobile and wireless technology for over a decade. Each week Mark?s SpoonFed column provides his insights and analysis of the biggest mobile trends and news. You can also follow him on Twitter.

More?from LAPTOP:

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/5-things-could-sink-windows-8-1C6579394

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Understanding Email Marketing Basics | THMG.com

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

Email marketing services actually provide techniques that allow maximization of time and reduction in costs with regards to marketing activities for reaching out to a huge number of people through the simple click of a button. Through the use of email marketing campaign, it is possible for the business organization to cut down on its cost of communication with targeted consumers. There is absolutely no need to print a lot of business related material or contact customers through phone since email marketing is a very simple process allowing the business to connect with its users in the best possible manner.

While going ahead with your email marketing campaign, it is possible to employ email list management activities so that there is guaranteed return from your efforts. Since some of the solutions being offered are permission based, make sure to send mails only when you

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Source: http://www.thmg.com/email-marketing/understanding-email-marketing-basics/

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The Market is Recovering, but Many Americans ... - RealEstate.com

Housing Starts Touch 4-Year High

Home starts skyrocketed 15 percent last month, quelling any fears of a sustained recovery. Construction on new homes climbed to an annual rate of 872,000. And building permits, a measure for future construction, rose 11.6 percent to an annual rate of 894,000, according to the Commerce Department. That?s a four-year high.

real estate news?It?s no longer a question of whether the industry is rebounding,? Larry Sorsby, chief financial officer of Red Bank, New Jersey-based Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc. told Bloomberg. ?There is clear evidence that we have bounced off the bottom and are in the midst of a recovery.?

The new numbers should send a collective sigh of relief among builders, investors and real estate agents. The latest report shows that recovery is well underway from what some are calling the worst slump since the Great Depression. Permits for single-family homes climbed 6.7 percent to an annual rate of 545,000, while permits for multifamily residences, such as apartment buildings, rose 20.1 percent.

?Housing is once more showing signs of life,? John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said in a speech, according to Bloomberg. ?The housing recovery includes a rebound in home construction, something particularly important for the health of the overall economy.?

Strong sales, population growth, record low mortgages and dwindling inventory have helped boost the numbers. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg were expecting a 770,000 pace, and estimates ranged from 735,000 to 800,000. The biggest gain in housing starts happened in the West with a 20.1 percent increase.

Mortgage Rates Fall Near Record Lows

Here?s some good news for buyers. The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage dropped to 3.37 percent this week from 3.39 percent the week prior, according to mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac. The new rates are nearer to the record low of 3.36 percent that was reached earlier in the month.

The news is really encouraging for buyers who are waiting to lock in on the unbeatable rates. 30 -year rates have hovered below 4 percent all through the year. Analysts expect the historic low rates to lure in enough buyers to egg on the real estate market recovery.

Rates on 15-year-mortgages also touched record lows at 2.66 percent, down from 2.7 percent last week.

According to the Associated Press, rates dropped after the Federal Reserve began buying up mortgage bonds in September to help in the economic revival. The low rates, although lucrative, are still out of reach for many aspiring homeowners. Badly scarred by foreclosures and defaulters, lenders are still laying down strict guidelines and making it difficult for many consumers to qualify for mortgages.

Most Affordable Metros: Detroit, Atlanta, Minneapolis

A new study released by Interest.com, a Bankrate company, showed that a median-income family could afford a median-priced home in only 14 of the 25 largest metropolitan areas.

While Detroit, Atlanta and Minneapolis were the most affordable cities, not surprisingly, New York, San Diego and San Francisco turned out to be the least affordable metros.

?Despite all of the talk about how homes are more affordable than they have been in decades, buying a home is still a big challenge for many American households,? said Mike Sante, managing editor of Interest.com in a release. ?Dealing with rising expenses and stagnant wages is a struggle. Even after years of declining home prices and record-low mortgage rates, median-income households are unable to afford a median-priced home in nearly half of the metropolitan areas we looked at.?

Source: http://www.realestate.com/advice/the-market-is-recovering-but-many-americans-cant-afford-to-buy-96053

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Don't believe hype with Steelers' 'D'

LeBeau's famed defense puts up great stats ? except when it matters most


By Scott Kacsmar

NBCSports.com contributor

updated 4:21 a.m. ET Oct. 19, 2012

Facing an important game in Cincinnati on Sunday night, the Pittsburgh Steelers (2-3) have lost a fourth-quarter lead in four of their five games this season. It?s one thing to be victimized by a Peyton Manning comeback, but they have lost on last-second field goals in Oakland and Tennessee; two teams who are a combined 1-8.

Many will point to legendary defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau not having all of his starters healthy due to a rash of injuries. In a given week that could have meant Troy Polamalu, James Harrison, LaMarr Woodley, or Ryan Clark.

Cornerback Ike Taylor, healthy but struggling mightily, lashed out at local media for criticizing this year?s defense. Taylor says to look at the facts, and ?if you want to go by numbers, we're not doing as bad as what they say we're doing."

Well as a compiler of football statistics and a Pittsburgh native who has experienced every single high and low, here's the truth:

The Steelers' defense is vastly overrated, just like much of LeBeau?s coaching career has been.

Known as the father of the zone blitz, which creates illusions of pressure, LeBeau has also created an illusion that his long career is full of defensive coaching success. That's not the case.

Defense does not excel when it matters most
Blasphemy, you say? Well, LeBeau would have quickly been ?Juan Castillo?d? out of a job in today?s game. In his first attempt as a defensive coordinator with the Cincinnati Bengals (1984-1991), the Bengals? average rank in defensive points allowed was 20.3 (there were only 28 teams then). Just once did they rank higher than 17 (No. 9 in 1989), and they were dead last in points and yards in his final season.

Lebeau?s second stint in Cincinnati (1997-2002) was even more disastrous, and after being promoted to head coach, he was just 12-33 (.267) before being fired. He did spend one quality year as an assistant head coach in Buffalo (2003), and had a good initial run on a Pittsburgh defense loaded with talent (1992-1996).

The most sustained coaching success LeBeau has had started when he returned to the Steelers in 2004. Since then Pittsburgh has gone 101-46 (.687) with two Super Bowl wins.

But two more important events happened in Pittsburgh in 2004: the drafting of franchise quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and Troy Polamalu moving into the starting lineup. Each player has been the team MVP on their side of the ball.

Since 2007, no defense has allowed fewer points or yards than the Steelers, ranking No. 1 in the league in fewest points allowed three times (No. 2 in 2007).

That sounds nice, but you have to ask yourself what you want from a defense.

Should it shut down the Cleveland Browns and their annually different quarterback twice a year, or do you want a defense that will show up against the best competition too? Do you want a defense that can finish the job, or a defense that?s going to fall apart in the clutch?

You can have all the top-ranked statistical defenses you want. If you cannot make a play to win a game or perform anywhere close to your usual level against the best of the best, then the only reality is your defense is overrated.

Stating the facts
Since 2007, Pittsburgh?s defense has allowed 20 game-winning drives in the fourth quarter or overtime, which is tied with Green Bay for the league's second most.

Most game-winning drives allowed (2007-2012)

Rank Team Game-winning drives
1 Washington Redskins 24
2T Pittsburgh Steelers 20
2T Green Bay Packers 20
4 Kansas City Chiefs 19
5T Baltimore Ravens 18
5T Miami Dolphins 18
32 New York Giants 9 (Note: fewest in NFL)

Twenty is too high for a defense that allows the league's fewest points and yards, but none of that has mattered when it comes to crunch time.

Since 2007, the Steelers? defense has faced a total of 125 drives in the fourth quarter and overtime when tied or leading by 1-8 points. They have allowed 22 touchdowns and 25 field goals (231 points). It works out to 1.85 points per drive, which would have ranked 21st in the league in 2011, a below-average defense. Fifteen of the touchdown drives have been at least 70 yards in length, and nine were more than 80 yards.

Pittsburgh has allowed 20 game-winning drives, 12 game-tying drives, and 10 go-ahead drives which came during games where the offense would regain the lead for a win. They also allowed five field goals when leading by 5-7 points. That means 78 ?stops?, though some of those drives were in the final seconds when the opponent had no realistic opportunity.

The scariest parts are the context for how some of these drives happened, and to think how big that number would be if the offense did not bail out the defense. Even Curtis Painter led an 80-yard game-tying touchdown drive last season in Indianapolis against LeBeau?s defense before a Roethlisberger game-winning drive.

If the Redskins had better quarterback play, they would have been able to turn more of those 24 losses into wins. Since 2007, Washington quarterbacks have 12 game-winning drives. The Steelers have 17, with Ben Roethlisberger engineering 16 of them.

But even Roethlisberger cannot answer if he does not have enough time left.

The average game-winning drive (in regulation) allowed by the Steelers has come with 3:04 left in the fourth quarter, which is the fifth-smallest amount of time for any team. The less time, the harder it is to answer. The Patriots have the worst average time to answer (just 1:25 left). The Jets have had 7:01 left (the most time), so shame on their offense.

This table looks at how much time was left in the game when the Steelers allowed the points on their late game-winning drives. In parenthesis is the league rank for that category, and the Steelers rank as the worst in everything except for overtime drives, where they are only one behind Green Bay and Miami.

Steelers' game-winning drives allowed (2007-2012)

Last 2:00 Last 1:00 Last 0:40 Last 0:15 OT Drives Last 0:40 + OT
10 (1st) 9 (1st) 9 (1st) 7 (1st) 4 (T-3rd) 13 (1st)

Not only is allowing 10 game-winning drives in the final two minutes the worst in the league, but the Steelers have somehow surrendered the game-losing points a league-worst nine times in the last 40 seconds of the game (no other team has more than six). Maybe the only thing worse than that are the seven times in which they have allowed the winning points in the final 0:15.

You just leave your offense no real time to answer in that situation, and nearly half the losses have happened that way.

The context behind some of the losses is both jarring and alarming, and things only seem to be getting worse.

  • 12/6/2009: Oakland?s Bruce Gradkowski became the first QB in NFL history to throw three go-ahead touchdown passes in the fourth quarter, upsetting Pittsburgh 27-24. The third completed an 88-yard drive with 0:09 left.
  • 2011 AFC Wild Card: In the first game under new overtime rules, Tim Tebow threw an 80-yard game-winning touchdown pass to Demaryius Thomas on the first play. It is the longest game-winning touchdown pass in NFL postseason history.
  • The second largest blown fourth-quarter lead in a Super Bowl belongs to Dick LeBeau?s 2008 Steelers (13 points vs. Arizona). Kurt Warner passed for 224 yards in the fourth quarter alone.
  • Since 2009, the Steelers have allowed four game-winning touchdowns in the last 0:32 of the fourth quarter. From 1990-2008, the Steelers had allowed only two game-winning touchdowns in the last 60 seconds of the fourth quarter (both vs. Cincinnati).
  • Since October 2011, the Steelers have allowed four game-winning touchdown drives of 80 or more yards. That matches the total they allowed from 1990-2010 (21 seasons).
  • 9/23/2012: Oakland had lost 48 consecutive games when trailing by at least 10 points to start the fourth quarter. They overcame a 31-21 deficit for a 34-31 win in Week 3.
  • In Roethlisberger?s 21 fourth-quarter comeback wins, the Steelers have led after three quarters just as often as they trailed (10 times each plus one tie).

What has caused so many of these losses? Sure, there has been some bad luck. Keenan Lewis dropped an interception in Tennessee last week that may have turned the game. Joe Burnettt dropped a game-ending interception in that 2009 Oakland game. The league admitted to missing a holding call on Jacksonville?s big 4th-and-2 run by David Garrard in the 2007 AFC Wild Card game.

But it works both ways, and for other teams too. In 2010, Buffalo?s Stevie Johnson dropped the game-winning touchdown in overtime. He was wide open, so LeBeau barely escaped that loss. He was not so lucky last season when Torrey Smith caught the game-winning touchdown with 0:08 left after dropping one, capping off Joe Flacco?s 92-yard drive to take control of the AFC North.


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Don't believe hype with Steelers' 'D'

Kacsmar: Known as the father of the zone blitz, which creates illusions of pressure, Dick LeBeau has also created an illusion that his long career is full of defensive coaching success. That's not the case.

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Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/49468506/ns/sports-nfl/

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Court: Judge erred in tossing Smith case verdicts

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? An appellate court said a trial judge erred in dismissing conspiracy convictions against Anna Nicole Smith's psychiatrist and manager, a ruling that defense attorneys said could send the case in different directions.

The ruling came after Superior Court Judge Robert Perry chose to throw out the 2010 jury verdict that Smith manager Howard K. Stern and psychiatrist Khristine Eroshevich conspired to obtain prescription drugs for the troubled model by using false names.

The judge found it was not unusual in the celebrity world Smith inhabited for fake names to be used to protect privacy.

The Second District Court of Appeals reversed those findings, saying there was enough evidence to support the conspiracy convictions. It said Stern cannot be tried, but Eroshevich might get another trial. However, the judge also could take different actions because the appellate court returned the case to him with no instructions.

"We express no opinion on how the trial court should exercise its discretion," the ruling said.

Lawyers called the decision confusing.

"I'm not sure I fully understand it," said attorney Bradley Brunon, who represents Eroshevich. "What they said is that what the judge did in dismissing for insufficient evidence is wrong. But he could get to the same place by reviewing the case as what we call a 13th juror."

Brunon said he would have to do additional research to understand the potential implications.

Attorney Steve Sadow, who represents Stern, said it was clear from the decision that Stern cannot be tried again without double jeopardy violations. But he said Perry could again review Stern's motion for a new trial.

"If he granted the motion, Howard still could not be tried again," Sadow said.

Sadow said the appeals court obviously had been wrestling with the issue of double jeopardy and had the parties brief it several times.

The convictions of Stern and Eroshevich were minor in the overall scope of the case. Most of the 11 counts resulted in acqutttals.

The prosecutors who brought the appeal said they had not yet read the decision and had no comment. Sadow said prosecutors could appeal to the California Supreme Court.

Stern and Eroshevich were convicted Oct. 28, 2010, in the case of the reality TV star and former Playboy model.

In September of last year, prosecutors filed an unusual appeal saying Judge Perry was biased and had created a celebrity exception to the law. The appellate court did not address these points.

A case involved prescriptions given to Smith in the months before she died in Florida on Feb. 8, 2007, of an accidental drug overdose. The defendants were not charged with causing her death.

The two guilty verdicts against Eroshevich and Stern on conspiracy counts involved the use of false names to obtain prescription pain medications for Smith. Eroshevich also was convicted of one count of obtaining Vicodin under a false name.

Perry dismissed the conspiracy counts and reduced the one conviction against Eroshevich to a misdemeanor with a sentence of one year of probation and a $100 fine. Her lawyer said she has fulfilled those terms.

At trial, Perry suggested authorities had chosen the wrong case to prove their point and indicated they did not understand the legislative intent of the law involving prescription drugs.

"There is no doubt that there are doctors who are nothing more than pill pushers and should be prosecuted and imprisoned," he said in his ruling. "This case did not involve such doctors."

A co-defendant, Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, who was Smith's physician, was acquitted of all charges.

The defendants' nine-week trial was the final act of the long-running drama centering on the blonde beauty's troubled life, which was documented on reality TV, in tabloids and in trial testimony.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/court-judge-erred-tossing-smith-case-verdicts-083121654.html

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