শুক্রবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

VIDEO: Arabs Target Kever Yosef Once Again - Yeshiva World News


Over 2,500 mispallalim were on hand on Wednesday night, the eve of 13 Shevat 5773 at Kever Yosef, in PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Shechem. The trip was organized by the ?One Shechem? organization and mispallalim were escorted by the IDF and Israel Police.

One of the mispallalim was the Rachov (?????) Rebbe Rabbi Yechiel Meir Rosenbaum Shlita, who was escorted by Shomron Regional Council head Gershon Mesika and other local officials.

Upon their arrival at the tziyun officials were in shock when they realized that once again the local Muslim population defaced the holy site in another attack intended to disgrace that which is holy to Am Yisrael. There was urine in the area of the entrance and steps as well as a flammable substance in that area and by windows, which authorities understood was the result of yet another attempted arson.

Perhaps equally appalling is the silence of Israeli state officials, who release statements of condemnation to the international media when graffiti is found on a church or mosque, but when Kever Yosef is defiled or mispallalim attacked at Kever Rochel with firebombs, rocks and explosives, they simply cannot find the words in their lexicon to speak out.

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(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

Source: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/?p=154138

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